Begins in October- this is a 1 year-long program that meets two Saturdays per month to learn about the magic and folkways of the forest and hedge. In a small group, we will explore traditional Northern and Western European lore and practices surrounding the liminal wild edges, hedges and haunted groves. There will be a strong emphasis on spirit communication, and the interface between practitioner and the local landscape. Trancework will be employed to achieve this aspect of the work.
Through this interface, a homespun magic will be wrought and personal practices developed. Each eight-hour long class will be a journey into the mysterious realms of wild terrain, on the physical landscape, as well as the inner dreamscape. Rustic magical items will be fashioned from materials of the land. At the end of the year, students will have developed personal practices that allow them excess into the enchanted world, while learning the basic tenants of folk magic that allows for practical rites. They will learn a significant amount of folklore, operative magic and herbcraft surrounding many tree and plant genera. Also included in the enchanted apothecary will be animal, bird, stone and waters for ritual workings. Seasonal aspects will be emphasized. See monthly schedule below for more details and email me with any questions.
There is a year two program and also a year three program, as each student progresses through the years. Those curriculums are only available to those who participate in the programs, and will be announced after the first six months of the previous years program.
Location: On a forested homestead about 30 minutes northwest of Olympia, Washington
Times: Begins in October. Class will be held every other Saturday per month, from 11-7 pm with only one class in December. Students will be expected to attend all 23 classes in the year, if possible. If class needs to be missed, payment is still expected, and all lecture portions will be recorded and handouts given in that situation.
Cost: $125 per class. A deposit of $250 is required to hold your spot and will go to pay for your last month of classes for the year. This is non-refundable, should you decide to cancel your enrollment at any time. Class is limited to 12 people; this will be a closed group once it begins.
Monthly Schedule:
Class 1: Dried Red Moths
Dark Wings Fall unto Open Hands- Introductions, The Enchanted World, The Hazel Tree, Materia Magica of Autumn.
Class 2: The Wolves Tongue
Charms Tinkle in the Silver Light- Blessing the Sacred Amulets. Folk Magic, The Rowan Tree and the Dream Realm
Class 3: Wooden Coffins
A Mirrored Smoke Hole Illuminates the Underworld – To Honor the Dead. Funerary Plants, Working with Ancestors
Class 4: The Dead Speak
Down the Starry Cave of the Mothers Beyond- To Commune with the Ancestors. Graveyard Folk Magic, The Yew Tree
Class 5: The Twelve Nights
Spirits Walk Upon the Land- Protection and Vision Through the Dark Nights- The Holly Tree
Class 6: The Black Mirror
In the Smoky Veil- Folk Divinations, Scrying and Readings, Raven and Crows
Class 7: Within the Silver Chalice
The Bright and Dark Tides- Moon Folk Magic, Fumigations and Owl Lore
Class 8: Lead and Spines
Assault within the Hidden Chamber- Protective Magic, the Alder Tree, the Evil Eye
Class 9: Ice and Lichen Soup
What Brews in the Wild Cauldron Endures- Traditional House Spirits, Broom and Hearth Magic and Scotch Broom.
Class 10: Ghost Stumps in the Ferns
The Power of the Land- Dangerous Spirits, Plants of the Faerie Realm, The Second Sight
Class 11: Blood and Venom
The Generative Adornments Bring New Life- Traditional Love and Fertility Magic, Snake and Lodestone Lore
Class 12: The Altar Immortal Shines
Equal Night And Rebirth- Easter Lore and Traditions, English Ivy, Egg Charms and Protections
Class 13: Fortified with Crystal Dew
Waters Flow to the North- Water Magic, Spirits, and the Willow Tree
Class 14: Hidden Hedges and Circles of Earth
From Under the Cloak- the Hedge as Altar, the Hawthorn Tree, Herb Harvesting Lore, Making Powders
Class 15: A Darkened Hand Upon the Land
What Severs Also Cleaves- The Wild Adversary in Nature, The Nature of Evil, Rose Magic and Duplicity
Class 16: Tin types and Crossed Keys
On the Altars of Witches- Making Altars, Collections and Installations
Class 17: The Wild Table
Fire Through Green Chaplets- Elements of Ritual, Midsummer Traditions, Mugwort
Class 18: Enhancing the Darkling Crystal
Seeing in the Cauldrons Water- Working with Bones in Magical Practice, Yarrow
Class 19: Under the Mounds
Between the Dead and the Living- Trolls And Underground Beings, Stone lore and Magic, Linden Tree
Class 20: Rustic Staves and Briars
The Wand of the Witches Arm- Acts of Transgression, Golden Herbs of the Meadow, Blackberry and Ritual Tools
Class 21: In Hollows and Fruits
Touched by Spirits- Omens, Signs and Auguries, Moth lore and Magic, Apple Tree
Class 22: The Witches Keep
Brittle Branches Bring Black Fruit- Initiations, and the Elder Tree
Class 23: In the Grand Hall of the Forest
Lore of the Witches Sabbat- Ritual and Certificates